Dale Yeager a Forensic Profiler, who worked for the Boulder District Attorney’s office in 1997 on the original murder investigation of JonBenet Ramsey, is teaching the general public forensic profiling in a series of national seminars.

The PROFILING YOUR LIFE Series will provide various seminars for adults and children focusing on Bullying, School / College Student Safety and Personal Safety for adults.

“I saw the potential for Mr. Yeager to teach a version of his Federal Law Enforcement programs to regular people”, states series organizer Tara Levy.  “What I saw being taught to children and adults as ‘self defense’ in the U.S. seemed lacking to me once I met Dale Yeager and heard what he knew about criminal behavior. I knew Dale could teach people reality based actions to protect themselves.”

The seminar series began in New York City. Additional seminars have been performed in New York City and Philadelphia. With plans to expand the series to the Midwest in 2016.

“As a professional I am routinely asked by parents and students about self defense and profiling and sadly what people know is ‘myths’ not facts.”, says Yeager. “The first rule of self defense is ‘ don’t become a victim’ and that requires the ability to accurately assess people for dangerous behavior.  And if you have to fight use techniques that work for law enforcement which doesn’t include kicking them in the groin like fathers’ tell their daughters to do.”

The series includes several seminars;

  1. STOP BULLYING TODAY – A child and parent seminar for children ages 4-11.
  2. PROTECT YOUR TEENAGER FROM BULLYING AND DANGER – A seminar for parents and adolescents ages 12-17.
  3. KEEP YOUR DAUGHTER SAFE AT COLLEGE – A college student focused seminar.
  4. “PROFILING YOUR LIFE” How To Use Criminal Profiling To Protect Yourself And Your Family From Violent People, Con Artists and Dangerous Co Workers – A seminar for ages 18 and up.

“I decided to make the seminars family focused – working together and learning together,” explains Yeager.  “The idea was to bring quality and reality to the issue of personal safety whether it was a third grader or a senior citizen.”

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